Home Automation memo


샤오미 멀티탭 특가


  • 조명
    • 필립스 휴 2 + 브릿지 = 90
    • 샤오미 스탠드 = 28.1 ( 37.5 - 5.9 () - 3.5 (PAYCO) ) (Qoo10. 그전에 G9가 39로 젤쌌음)
    • 샤오미 전구 RGBW 26 중고나라 대리구매 (32.6 / 중고나라 20)
    • 샤오미 전구 W 17 + 10(배송비)
  • 음성인식
    • 에코닷2 = 70
    • 구글홈 = 160 —> 155
    • 라즈베리파이 = 40 (3) (중고나라)
    • USB 마이크 = 29.9 (쿠팡이 최저가)
    • sd 카드 = 8.3 x2
  • 제품
    • 스위처 35.5 (제품링크 , 펀딩 을 통한 영구구매로 가능. 본래 렌탈방식)
    • 샤오미 Wifi 스마트 멀티탭 6구 18
  • 그외에 …
    • 규조토 매트 17.5
    • 건조대 28.9
    • 화장실 선반 11.6
    • 부직포 7.36
    • 4포트 충전기 9.74
    • LED 벽시계 28.9
    • 가구


  1. 조명
  2. 에어콘, 티비 컨트롤
  3. Chromecast Netflix, google music



4구 멀티탭 2개
3구 긴거, 짧은거

책상 2

  • 4구 1
    • 공유기
    • 컴퓨터
    • 모니터
    • 스탠드
  • 2구
    • 티비
    • 3구
      • 4 포트 USB 충전기
      • 스피커
      • 맥북


  • 4구
    • 헤어드라이기
    • 공유기
    • 천장 조명
    • 충전기 / 청소기

현관 2

  • 냉장고
  • 3구
    • 무드등
    • 시계
    • 전자렌지 / 라면포트 /라즈베리파이



스마트 전구 특집 https://brunch.co.kr/@yyja/248

형광등 갈아끼기
소켓 https://brunch.co.kr/@yyja/242

스타터 킷 23만

브릿지 7만 전구 8~9만 ?휴 램프 설치는 간단하다. 일반 백열전구(E26, 26mm) 규격에 소비전력이 10W 이상인 전구 소켓만 있으면 된다.


스탠드. 샤오미 미지아.

샤오미 에코 연동

a brief introduction to the Smart Home...

Using the Amazon Echo and the Energenie MiHome Gateway you are now able to control your home with the use of your voice.

Energenie - https://energenie4u.co.uk

리모콘 삼만오천
리뷰 - http://blog.naver.com/twophase/220790203872







Raspberry Pi - BLE Xiami Yeelight

If you able to use Wireshark well, Yes.



리모트 컨트롤


Alexa 그냥 http://lifehacker.com/how-to-build-your-own-amazon-echo-with-a-raspberry-pi-1787726931


Raspberry Pi


1B+ 모델에서 가능하게 하기

RaspbianOS (비추)

  1. SD-card format with SDformatter

  2. Rasbian 취향대로 다운

  3. Mac 설치 법 따라서 CLI로 설치.

    • 꽤 걸리는데 Ctrl-T로 확인 가능.
  4. Rasberry Pi에 꼽고 확인

NOOBS (추천)

를 받아서 sd카드에 복붙 후 부팅.

  1. sudo raspi-config
  2. sudo apt-get install tightvncserver
  3. sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-core xserver-xorg-input-all \
    xserver-xorg-video-fbdev libx11-6 x11-common \
    x11-utils x11-xkb-utils x11-xserver-utils xterm lightdm openbox

Google Home

Nexus5X 에서 Google Assistant 가능.

구글홈 - 넥서스5 - 여러앱 - 넷플릭스

Google Now - Chromecast


  • Basic commands

    • Ask for help: "OK Google, help."
    • Control the volume: "OK Google, turn it up" or, "Louder" or, "Turn it to 11." (Yes, the max is 11.)
    • Halt an action: "OK Google, stop" or, "Pause" or, "Be quiet."
  • Tools

    • Roll a die: "OK Google, roll a die" or, "OK Google, roll a 12-sided die."
    • Flip a coin: "OK Google, flip a coin."
    • Math: "OK Google, what's 354 times 11?"
    • Measurements: "OK Google, how many liters are in 4 gallons."
    • Time: "OK Google, what time is it?"
    • Location: "OK Google, where am I?"
    • Translations: "OK Google, how do you say [word] in [language]?"
    • International time: "OK Google, what time is it in [city]?"
    • Currency conversion: "OK Google, how much is 100 Euros in dollars?"
    • Alarm: "OK Google, set an alarm for [time]."
    • Snooze alarm: "OK Google, snooze alarm."
    • Cancel alarm: "OK Google, cancel my alarm for [time]."
    • Timer: "OK Google, set a timer for [time]."
    • Check timer: "OK Google, how much time is left on my timer?"
    • Recipes: "OK Google, how do I make [dish]"
    • Add to shopping list: "OK Google, add [item] to my shopping list."
    • Check shopping list: "OK Google, what's on my shopping list?"
    • Daily briefing: "OK Google, good morning." (includes personalized greeting, info on weather, traffic, and curated news stories)
    • Uber: "OK Google, order an Uber."
    • Tune an instrument: "OK Google, tune my instrument" or "OK Google, play an F sharp." (If you don't specify "flat" or "sharp," you must say "note" after stating which note you want Google Home to play, such as "play an A note.")
  • Search

    • Stocks: "OK Google, how are Alphabet's stocks doing?"
    • Weather: "OK Google, how's the weather today?" or, "Do I need an umbrella today?"
    • Traffic: "OK Google, what's the traffic like on the way to work?"
    • Words: "OK Google, what does [word] mean?"
    • Spelling: "OK Google, spell [word]."
    • Special events: "OK Google, when is [event]?" (Easter, for example)
    • People: "OK Google, who is [person]?"
    • Facts: "OK Google, how tall is [person]?"
    • Things: "OK Google, what is [thing]?"
    • Places: "OK Google, what country is [location] in?"
    • Animal sounds: "OK Google, what does [animal] sound like?"
    • Distance: "OK Google, how far is [business name] from here?"
    • Restaurants: "OK Google, what are the nearest restaurants to me?"
    • Businesses: "OK Google, are there any [business type] around here?"
    • Business information: "OK Google, how late is [business] open?" or "Is [business] open now?"
    • Quotes: "OK Google, give me a quote" or, "Give me a love quote."
    • Medical information: "OK Google, what is a torn meniscus?"
    • Calories: "OK Google, how many calories are in [food item]?"
    • Authors: "OK Google, who wrote [book title]?"
    • Inventors: "OK Google, who invented [item]?"
  • Media

    • Play music: "OK Google, play some music" or, "Play some [genre] music."
    • Play an artist or song: "OK Google, play [artist]" or, "Play [song]."
    • Play a song by lyrics: "OK Google, play the song that goes, 'Is this the real life?'"
    • Play a Google Play playlist or album: "OK Google, play some indie music" or, "OK Google, play [album]."
    • Ask what's playing: "OK Google, what song is this?" or, "OK Google, what album is this?"
    • Get more information: "OK Google, when did this album come out?"
    • Fast forward and rewind: "OK Google, skip forward 2 minutes" or, "Skip backward 30 seconds."
    • Play music through other speakers using Chromecast: "OK Google, cast [song] onto [speaker name]."
    • Play music on Spotify: "OK Google, play [artist] on Spotify."
    • Play music on Pandora: "OK Google, play [artist] on Pandora."
    • Like or dislike a song on Pandora: "OK Google, dislike this song."
    • Play music on YouTube Music: "OK Google, play [artist] on YouTube."
    • Play stations on TuneIn: "OK Google, play [station] on TuneIn."
    • Play videos on YouTube using Chromecast: "OK Google, play [video] on the [TV name]."
    • Pull up lists on YouTube: "OK Google, let's look at what's trending on YouTube on [TV name]."
    • Play a movie or TV show on Netflix using Chromecast: "OK Google, play [show or movie title] on the [TV name]."
  • Entertainment

    • Sports updates: "OK Google, who is [team] playing next?" or "Did the [team] win last night?"
    • Sports scores: "OK Google, what was the score for the last [team] game?"
    • Team information: "OK Google, tell me about [team]."
    • Movies: "OK Google, what movies came out last Friday?"
    • Casting for movies: "OK Google, what actors are in [movie]?"
    • Shows by network: "Hey Google, what shows are on [network]?"
    • News: "OK Google, what's today's news?"
  • Smart home

    Google works with only a few smart home devices/platforms at present: Philips Hue, Nest, SmartThings, Chromecast and IFTTT. The roster of integrations will likely expand as time goes on. Even with these limited integrations, though, the flexibility of SmartThings and especially IFTTT allow the Google Home to control a wide variety of gadgets using 3rd-party triggers. For now, here are the built-in Google Home commands for smart home gadgets.

    • Turn Philips Hue lights on/off: "OK Google, turn on/off my lights."
    • Dim Hue lights: "OK Google, dim my lights to fifty percent."
    • Change Hue colors: "OK Google, turn my lights [color]."
    • Control Nest thermostat: "OK Google, turn the temperature to [temp]."
    • Make incremental changes: "OK Google, raise the temperature 1 degree."
    • Customize trigger phrases for IFTTT. For example: "OK Google, let's get this party started."
  • Third-party Actions

    Earlier this month, Google rolled out what it calls Actions for Google Assistant. These are third-party services and integrations that work much like Alexa skills, except you don't have to activate them one by one. Actions are enabled by default.

    You can find the full list of Actions in the Google Home app by going to More settings > Services. You will also find sample invocations there, which will tell you how to interact with the different services available.

    • 21 Blackjack: "OK Google, let me talk to 21 Blackjack."
    • Best Dad Jokes: "OK Google, talk to Best Dad Jokes."
    • Domino's: "OK Google, talk to Domino's and get my Easy Order."
    • Product Hunt: "OK Google, talk to Product Hunt."
    • Tender: "OK Google, can I talk to Tender about drinks like an old fashioned?"
    • Todoist: "OK Google, tell me what my next task is with Todoist."
  • Easter eggs

    • "Hey Google, always be closing."
    • "Hey Google, what is your quest?"
    • "Hey Google, I am your father."
    • "Hey Google, set phasers to kill."
    • "Hey Google, are you SkyNet?"
    • "Hey Google, make me a sandwich."
    • "Hey Google, up up down down left right left right B A Start."
    • "Hey Google, do a barrel roll."
    • "Hey Google, it's my birthday."
    • "Hey Google, it's not my birthday."
    • "Hey Google, did you fart?"


Flask-assistant. serving API.AI SDK


Actions on Google - tutorial

Build Conversational Actions for Google Assistant Users

Pixel phone

넥서스 5x Google assistant

  • 부트로더 언락시 은행앱 안되서 보류

갤럭시 S4 mini 를 누가로 올리고? --> 적외선 리모콘
cm 올리기 - 누가는 아님
누가 한글
IR Universal Remote Control-Watch On app
더 쉬워보이는 TWRP flashing


공통으로 앱제작
캘린더 등록


Alexa Skills


  1. github
  2. sentdex tutorial
  3. JohnWheeler tutorial
  4. Ngrok 까지 사용한 memory game 예제

John Wheeler란 사람이 만든 것. Echo를 Python으로 프로그래밍 가능.

Today's guest post comes from John Wheeler, the creator of Flask-Ask. John has been programming for two decades and has written for O'Reilly and IBM developerWorks.

This post introduces Flask-Ask, a new Python micro-framework that significantly lowers the bar for developing Alexa skills. Flask-Ask is a Flask extension that makes building voice user interfaces with the Alexa Skills Kit easy and fun. We'll learn it by building a simple game that asks you to repeat three numbers backwards. Knowing Python and Flask are not required, but some experience programming will help.

If you prefer the video walkthrough of this post, check it out here.


Product ID : macAlexa

Client ID:amzn1.application-oa2-client.a971e925f29742a29bcad3efef93fdd5

Client Secret:470f972acb198dc6731b0ebd38cd20ba42e2fd54c965633bfa65148c9aa3a2a3

➜  app git:(master) ✗ keytool -list -v -alias androiddebugkey -keystore keystore.jks
키 저장소 비밀번호 입력:
별칭 이름: androiddebugkey
생성 날짜: Jan 13, 2017
항목 유형: PrivateKeyEntry
인증서 체인 길이: 1
소유자: CN=Junho, OU=tmmsexy, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=US
발행자: CN=Junho, OU=tmmsexy, O=Unknown, L=Unknown, ST=Unknown, C=US
일련 번호: 51105628
적합한 시작 날짜: Fri Jan 13 16:07:34 KST 2017, 종료 날짜: Tue May 31 16:07:34 KST 2044
인증서 지문:
	 MD5: A4:C4:87:E1:F6:59:89:FF:3F:1F:D6:3E:A4:0C:B4:B9
	 SHA1: 29:FE:C9:42:D4:28:7B:7B:6E:B8:EA:F7:A7:C1:1A:45:6F:52:40:0E
	 SHA256: 4B:B3:A3:25:EB:C9:F2:59:E7:90:4B:BC:EC:A2:F8:08:94:03:D5:BB:54:F5:A5:10:C9:99:ED:7F:F9:51:98:82
	 서명 알고리즘 이름: SHA1withRSA
	 버전: 3


#1: ObjectId: Criticality=false
SubjectKeyIdentifier [
KeyIdentifier [
0000: C8 B5 18 A3 84 1C 64 CB   FA 5A 37 96 8F 5F 15 8D  ......d..Z7.._..
0010: 31 8C 0B 2D                                        1..-

는 하다가 안되서 버림.


Security Profile Description
Choose a description for your security profile for Amazon services to use in communicating with you. piAlexa Description
Security Profile ID

  • amzn1.application.7b12d1fc8bc84d86a55862b294377da5

Client ID

  • amzn1.application-oa2-client.5adcc0ce71df427a9bdcb28eecdd39ae

Client Secret

  • 7750995176a0b0c034ee29cb10ecbcf7c0619f3e25a2c7d116fa51eb3837ed81

Client ID:amzn1.application-oa2-client.5adcc0ce71df427a9bdcb28eecdd39ae

Client Secret:7750995176a0b0c034ee29cb10ecbcf7c0619f3e25a2c7d116fa51eb3837ed81

1 B+ node 문제

먼저 node 삭제 참고

sudo apt-get remove nodered
sudo apt-get remove nodejs nodejs-legacy
sudo apt-get remove npm   # if you installed npm

3 B+ 모델

bluetooth 설정

디폴트 블투스피커

wifi 설정 국가 US로

내 공유기 N104T는 지원을안함

Remote Control

갤럭시 S4 mini : Tasker로 해보기
그리고 안되면
xiaomi controller --> 보장없음

ChromeCast 로 TV 켜기. Anynet HDMI-CEC


KODI (XBMC 신버전) iptv 체널및 한글 설정,홈화면 TV시청메뉴 나오게 설정하기 / 원도우10에서 TV 시청하기



Rasberry Pi


Beam Projector

고로 전 에이서 h6510bd 사용중. 3d도 잘나와서 좋네요. 아 그리고 사실거면 스크린도 무조건 사세요

소니 MP-CL1A : 51만

플레이스테이션4 슬림과 소니 MP-CL1A의 연결과 사용, 기존의 TV나 모니터에 연결해서 플레이스테이션을 즐기시던 분들에게는 새로운 경험이 되지 않을 까 싶습니다. 보통 프로젝터중에 FHD해상도를 가지는 프로젝터는 찾기 어렵기도 하고, 가격도 높은편입니다. 소니 MP-CL1A는 와이드한 화각의 FHD해상도 (1920 x 720)을 지원하기 때문에 플레이스테이션4 슬림으로 게임을 할 때 모자람이 없는 스펙이라고 생각합니다. 실제 게임을 해봤을 때도 모니터로 했을 때와 별다른 차이점이 없었고, 오히려 어두운 밤에 할 때는 더 큰 화면에서 즐기다보니 몰입감이 더 좋았습니다.

소니 MP-CL1A 모바일프로젝터와 소니 플레이스테이션4 슬림의 조합, 어떠셨나요? MP-CL1A가 모바일, 휴대용프로젝터로 출시되었지만, 집에서 플레이스테이션과 사용하는데도 문제 없었습니다. 보다 큰 화면에서 플레이스테이션을 즐기기를 원하시는 분들에게 좋은 조합이 될 것 같습니다.

빔프로젝터 FHD

벤큐 W2000 이나 뷰소닉 PRO7827 옵토마 HT210 중 고르시면될것같네요 ㅎㅎ


벤큐 W1070+가 우리나라에서 보급형FHD 프로젝터 시장에 큰 돌풍을 일으 켰죠. 그당시에 저는 LG미니빔 600안시 프로젝터를 사용하고 있던터라 홈시어터용 프로젝터에는 관심이 없었습니다. 아파트로 이사 후 홈시어터 프로젝터에 관심이 생기고 W1070+의 후속작 W1110을 알게되고 구매하게 되었습니다.

옵토마 FHD HD141X


Telegram Bot. Official API - 박연오 telegram-cli